How to stay on Keto/Low carb way of eating with all the rising cost of living?
How to stay on Keto/Low carb way of eating with all the rising cost of living?
I think many of us can definitely feel the stress from all the ongoing rise in cost of living. When we budget our expenses, food should always be at the top of our list. Because whatever your goals or plans are, you need a healthy body and healthy mind to get there, agreed? Therefore, eating healthy is not an option. You don't want to end up with massive medical bills from a poor diet/lifestyle. See it as an investment to make sure we get to enjoy all our hard work later in life.
There are many ways you can help yourself maintain a healthy eating lifestyle without breaking the bank! We, like many other families, it's always a balancing act, we want to make sure its within our budget, we will still enjoy ourselves and look closely at our daily expenses. It is all about planning! Here are some tips from us-
✔️Eat in a majority of the time, save up for a special occasion meal.
Eating out has definitely become a luxury for many now. For an example, how much would you pay for a plate of breakfast outside? $25? $ 30? When you make it at home, less than $7 is doable. This here is a huge breakfast that can easily be shared between two people
✔️Buy things when they are on sale or in bulk. For us, every week's menu depends on what's on sale! With protein, we option for cheaper cut meat/chicken, still delicious. There are different types of recipes you can use to cook different kinds of protein. They do not lack nutritional value compared to a prime cut.
✔️Buy ingredients that are versatile. For example, if you buy a pizza mix, you can also use them to make muffin, bread etc. Buying things that have multiple purpose use can definitely help you save more, and keep it interesting.
✔️Write down your budget plan
✔️Stick to the list of things you need on your shopping list, unless they are on sale. I think we have all been there, went into buy one thing and ended up with 20 item🤭🤭. Unless they are essentials, best to wait for your next round of shopping.
✔️If you eat out, do a comparison on other close-by restaurants. You'd be surprised how different their prices can be for the same items! (Last week we managed to find a restaurant where everything on the menu is 30% cheaper than one that's down the road), and still tastes amazing.
Share your tips and thoughts with others ⬇⬇⬇
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