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Blog posts & News / Body image

Why we shouldn't compare ourself to others

Why we shouldn't compare ourself to others

Have you ever think of while you want to be look like someone, as strong as others, as slim as others, there are also someone want to look like you? As a woman and mother, I can say it is quite challenging to keep up to the society standards!!! But the fact is, have you look back a few years or few months ago, how far you have come to? Not necessarily appearance wise, your mental health, your overall health, how confident you feel etc. There is no such thing as " Perfect weight " Or "Perfect body Shape" if all you do is " Comparing yourself to someone else". You have to understand those models and celebrities you are admiring they have professionals watching their diet and train closely, oh and don't forget angle and filters too!

In my opinion, perfect weight and perfect body shape is when you look into the mirror, feel confident about yourself, you can see how far you have come to, you feel good and healthy, you have adapt your lifestyle into your role( between work, family, friends etc) . Of course setting goals is essential, but don't let goals stress you out. If you slip off occasionally don't waste time to blame yourself, instead move on and start a new day.


All the best with your journey ❤


Lots of love,


Keto Direct
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Body Image

Body Image

Body image
A topic most of us have been through or going through. Coming from an Asian background, I constantly receive comments like "Oh all Asian are skinny", " You guys never put on weight " etc. The reality is, I wish it is the case😆. Back to when I was a teenager, we were trained/brainwashed into competition amongst family, friends and peers. "I wish I can be slim like her", " I wish I can be 45kgs", I wish I can have tiny waist like her" etc. Today, I am glad to say, I am happy with my current size, it doesn't matter if the scales is not showing me numbers on what "Society think is right", it doesn't matter that I am not a size 6, 4 or less, it doesn't matter that I don't have tone legs and arms like a supermodel, it doesn't matter I don't have abs like an athlete. 
However, it DOES MATTER I FEEL CONFIDENT about myself, it DOES MATTER how I FEEL GOOD about myself, it DOES MATTER my HEALTH is getting better, it DOES MATTER I LISTEN TO MY BODY and not exhausting it, it DOES MATTER I LOVE MYSELF and will take "Self Care Time"
There are so many different standards to define "Fitness & Beauty". The one thing you need to come to realize is if you don't see the good in yourself, you will never be good enough.
Start learning to appreciate yourself, everyone has strengths and weaknesses, no one is perfect but that's ok, because we are perfectly human.
❤Beauty comes in all sizes❤
Keto Direct
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