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Blog posts & News / #ketolife

Take a rest your brain day!

Take a rest your brain day!

Have you ever taken a "Rest Your Brain Day"? In the modern world, we are constantly chasing one task after another! Twenty-four hours never seem to be enough. If you are experiencing exhaustion—both physically and mentally—even if you believe you've rested enough, you might want to try taking a "Rest Your Brain Day"!
Keto Direct
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How can keto/low carb way of eating benefit you

How can keto/low carb way of eating benefit you

Often we receive messages from customers who are just starting Keto and may not completely understand what we can benefit with a Keto way of eating. Here are some key points which you may consider/experience...
Keto Direct
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When and how should I introduce healthy eating to my family

When and how should I introduce healthy eating to my family

Does your little ones loves lollies? My boys just like every other kids, they love their snacks and sweets! We have a mixture of sweets and snacks at home, a majority are sugar free and keto/low carb. We don't restrict them, we educate them. 
Keto Direct
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Which diet is the best?

Which diet is the best?

I think this is a very common question for majority of adults, which diet is the best?
I have been on a Keto way of eating since 2017, it has been working for me. However, I also acknowledge it is not for everyone! So which diet is the best?
Keto Direct
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Approaching my 5th Ketoversary

Approaching my 5th Ketoversary

Approaching my 5th Ketoversary

If you ask me to name my top 10 best decision I have made in life so far, starting my keto life would definitely be one of them.

I was someone who always fell sick on a regular basis, always carried a bag of medication in my handbag, lack of energy, brain fog, and more. This all became history 4 years ago...

Keto Direct
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Always Read The Label

Always Read The Label

If you have been on keto/low carb lifestyle for a while, you would have most likely developed a habit of reading the label of a product before you buy! There are many products out there labelled as "Healthy", "Keto", "Low carb" on the front package, but when you flip it to the back you would be shocked with the nutritional information and ingredients....
Keto Direct
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What Foods Are Keto?

What Foods Are Keto?

What Foods Are Keto?

In the past years, we have seen more and more versions of "Keto Way Of Eating".

To be clear, there isn't a right or wrong version. As long as it helps and achieves what your goal is and not upsetting your body, then it is what you should stick to.....

Keto Direct
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